My favourite movie is Almos Famous, a movie from Cameron Crowe. The movie starts in a small town and ends in New york when the tour of a rock band finishes. It is about an adolescent who likes to write about rock. He writes for an important magazine and one day the editor of Rolling Stone calls him and tells him that he wants him to write an article about a rock band. He knows a band called Steelwater and makes the tour that the band is doing. During the trip he meets groupie called Penny Lane and falls in love with her; also he really knows how the rock band is because he sees all the egos, the infidelities and the drugs. The principal characters are William performed by Patrick Fuggt who is a very shy boy but a good writer. Russel is the guitar player who William admires represented by Billy Crudup, he is a good person but is unfaithfull to his girlfriend with a groupie called Penny Lane. Penny Lane is stared by Kate Hudson. I have a lot of favorite parts but the one that I love is when William introduces Penny Lane to Russel. The scene is very funny but romantic because they have met before a long time ago, they were lovers. In that scene Penny Lane tells him her name and act like if she doesn`t know him. The scene is very beautiful and the images is amazing. I love this movie for the story and over all, for the music. In the movie there are songs from Bob Dylan, Simon and Garfunkel, Led Zeppelin, Elton John and a lot of other rock bands of the 60`s. The other thing that I like is the character of Penny Lane. I like how is she and her lifestyle, she is a free soul. I wouldn`t change anything to this movie because every time that I see it I discover something new.