The present times need that people focus on environmentally practices. The people can learn about this from their parents or even in our town council. Town council offers a lot of courses to learn different ways to recycle. Also you can learn in your school to care about your environment, the teachers make us think about our actions in the world. I would like to incorporate recycling into my habits but I can`t. I try to make it but it is very difficult because you have to have a big backyard to collect garbage to recycle it. Besides that I would need more time to do this and I don`t have that time. You have to classify and put in order all the things that you have. I haven`t joined or supported any eco-organizations because I had a bad experience with one of them. I called to the people of Greenpeace to know if I could help them with something and they told me that I have to pay to be a member and also collaborated with some money every month. They didn`t need my help, so I felt that nobody could help because they only want our money. Actually I didn`t do anything to help the environment. Maybe the only help that I do is that I don`t through the garbage on the floor. I have never got dirty my town because that is a very little gesture that we all can do. To reduce my carbon footprint I started not to buy things in spray because they through a lot of free radicals to the sky that destroy the ozone layer. I think that our society, in the same way that I think, have no time or forces to recycle. But that thing that they don`t know is that we can do a little thing to help like being a clean person and do not buy contaminating things like sprays or detergents.