My favorite musician is Regina Spektor. She was born in Rusia but she emigrated to USA when she was six years old. She learned to play the piano when she was a little girl and in USA she continued doing it. When she was 20 years old recorded a disc in her home that one important person listen to so he help her to integrate a new music movement in New York: the anti-folk. This movement takes things of Folk but without the dogmatism and the solemnity. The antifolk have lyrics whit social sustenance, critic acidity and avoid the drama. Regina Spektor takes some of this characteristics and mix it whit jazz and pop rhythms; the result of it is a music that takes you heart but only using simple stories. In personal I loved Regina Spektor because her voice is undescribable. When I hear her music I feel that the time stop and the only thing that I can do is listen it. Another thing that I like about her are the lyrics of her music, it represent little stories that say a lot about life, whit it you can imagine and travel in the time or in the space. My favorite song is Samson. This is a love ballad that talks about a love story that never will be in the History but besides it they are enough for each other. Regina Spektor is my favorite musician because she makes me think and even "talk" whit her about some situations that she say in her songs.