This year, during the first term of 2010, I made my third semester in the University of Chile in the carrer of Anthropology. I liked this semester because I had a lot of theoretical courses and I loved it. I learned about Materialism and Linguistics. The importance of these courses is that when I work I will put into practice all this theories on the reality. So I will help the people but with knowledge. I didn`t do any sport because I didn`t have time and also because I wanted to do sports this semester to prepare myself for the summer. The challenges that I had to face were to learn things that I didn`t like, for example I hate Prehistoric because the professor wasn`t a clear person. Besides, I didn`t like “Etnohistoria” because we had to read and comment all the time, we didn`t do anything else so it was very boring and monotonous. With my family the year was a little difficult because we had a few problems but now we are working as a team and we share all our problems and find a solution. My family was the most important support for the last semester because they always helped me when I was stressed or sad. The last semester was very hard but I feel that it shows me that I can beat a lot of difficulties with a little help from my friends (and family).
I'm hungry of gnocchi!
13 years ago
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