During this semester we wrote on this blog for our English class, we wrote about a lot of topics and now I’m going to talk about our experience writting. I really didn’t enjoy it because I don’t like to write a lot, I prefer to read. I am not used to write so it is difficult to me because you must have imagination and I am not a creative person. I think that it helped me to improve my english but not in an important way because I wrote a lot in the school so I used all the things that I learned there. Maybe it helps me to remember and practice, but not to learn new things. Besides this, the blogging have advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages we have that the people of other parts of the world can read what you write and comment about a topic. Another advantage is that you can read about differents topics, and in our case we can read differents views of one topic because all the people of the class wrote about one subjet. On the side of the disadvantages you lose some of your privacy because all the world can read about you or what you think, also they can get personal information from you or your friends. Besides, some topics could get anger some people because they don’t like what you said, there are people that not use the argumentation and only fight. Concluding I think that blogs are a good way to put on the world your ideas because a lot of people read it, but you have to be careful of bad people. The blog is an opportunity for discussion but with real arguments, not only because you don’t like what I write.